Do you have kids? Do Aerobics at home? Own a martial arts studio, daycare, or a hot tub? Then these easy to clean mats are perfect for you. The majority of Soft Mats, also known as
Sport Mats in some cases, either come in tile or roll form.
Tile is perfect for smaller areas, like a playroom in a day care, a small jiu-jitsu studio, an aerobics studio, or an at home gym. Soft Tile Mats are light weight, and come in a variety of colors, some are even reversible. Tile mats also come in an industrial strength, these are called
GTI tiles, they are highly resistant, pressed vinyl tile with double fiberglass reinforcement. They are quite a bit heavier but are also easy to install, as they just click together. Rolls are better for very large, high traffic areas, such as skating rinks, fitness centers, and martial arts studios. Though there is a large variety of
martial arts mats, that come in tile form.
Soft mats are also great for covering skating rinks, or gym floors, for events. Soft mats do come in
smaller slabs as well, these are better for sticking beneath an aerobics bike, or heavy weights, if you are just wanting to cover up a small part of your floor, ie: you want to stick an aerobics bike in your living room, but you don't want to wreck your hardwood floor.
Soft tile mats are an awesome alternative to carpets because they are so easy to clean and great for people with allergies as they don’t harbor pet hair or dust.

All mats can be found on Canadamats.ca website