How Much Is Fatigue In the Workplace Costing Your Business

A workforce that is worn out is less productive. An exhausted worker is more prone to make mistakes or cause problems that could end up costing their employers time and money. A worker who is persistently weary may miss work more frequently, which raises the risk of accidents and workplace injuries. This fatigue may be brought on by their working conditions, a lack of enough sleep, or both.

Unfortunately, weariness in the office is an ubiquitous issue that has serious repercussions for both employees and their companies.


According to the National Safety Council (NSC), lost productivity due to weariness costs American employers $136 billion annually. An average 1,000-employee company can anticipate losing $1 million annually owing to weariness, including $272,000 in absenteeism and $776,000 in presenteeism (being present at work but unfocused).

Fatigue costs even the tiniest firm money. More than 40% of workers experience sleep deprivation, and those who work night shifts, extended shifts, or irregular shifts are more at risk of experiencing weariness from lack of enough sleep. But many factors contribute to worker fatigue than just the amount of sleep (or lack thereof). An employee's likelihood of experiencing chronic fatigue is significantly influenced by how they spend their time at work.

Most people's workdays, if not all of them, are spent standing up in a variety of industries. Cashiers, employees on assembly lines, wait staff, and other people who work all day standing up and moving around will get tired more easily and are more likely to get hurt than those who get to sit down.

This is where anti-fatigue floor mats can significantly improve a business's efforts to safeguard both its employees and itself from the effects of weariness.


Anti-fatigue mats are made to make it difficult for your standing body to maintain proper weight distribution and adjustment. The mats have a soft membrane that gives a standing person buoyancy. You'll have to constantly shift and reposition your feet, which will stop you from experiencing numbness issues, tense muscles, or poor blood circulation.