Celebrate Easter

Easter! What's the first thing that pops in to your mind when we say Easter? Easter Eggs!. Brightly decorated eggs are a symbol many of us relate to with Easter. And now It’s that time again – time to gather those eggs and think about how you want to decorate them for Easter. This year, why don't we take these eggs one step further with some different decorating techniques. We've compiled a few designs that we feel are super good-looking, quite different, sure to add color and spunk, easy and inexpensive to create, and we believe all supplies used are easily available from the supermarket and craft store. Come check these out:

Blackboard Eggs


Write messages or random message on eggshells with this great idea from Oleander and Palm: Coat eggs with a layer of chalkboard paint and let your creativity do the talking. If you fall out of love with a pattern or picture, wash the surface and start over.

Washi Tape Eggs


Put metallic, patterned and pastel Washi tape to good use with this cute no-dye egg-decorating option from Chelsea at Lovely Indeed. Cut the tape into different (as crazy as you can get) shapes and stick to egg surfaces.

Black and White Eggs


All you need for this awesome monochromatic look is a fine-tipped black permanent marker. At the blog Obviously Sweet, variations of dotted and striped patterns make each egg look unique. But hey... it's up to you... take your marker and go to town with the designs of you choice.

Golden Marbled Easter Eggs


Marbled eggs are gorgeous, especially when they are set in gold. Imagine having golden eggs with marbles of bright or pastel colors at your Easter egg hunt. These marbled eggs from SheKnows are quite easy to make and they will be a huge hit with the kids.

Decoupage Easter Eggs


Decoupage is fun and with some imagination and creativity you can create unique and beautiful decoupage Easter eggs. Check the how-to from Dizzymaiden for this great project. Choose your cuttings from fabric or even magazines and stick them to your eggs. There is no limit to the designs.

So what do you guys think? Easy to do but with stunning results right? But wait, we are not done yet. You are not making just one egg... you've got to be making lots and lots of these pretties. And while you are at your crafting table, kitchen counter, dining table (or where ever else you choose) working your magic on some Easter Eggs... remember comfort is the name of the game! Yes, spending time toiling over these beautiful egg creations does not mean you tire yourself out and/or cause discomfort to you legs. So we at Canada Mats have just the solution for you - Anti-Fatigue Mats!

Choose from a variety of our antifatigue mats that include - Anti-Fatigue WellnessMats, Companion Anti-Fatigue Mats, Granite Anti-Fatigue Wellness Mats, Softwoods Anti-Fatigue Mats, Antique Collection Anti-Fatigue WellnessMats and many more. Hop on over to our Anti-fatigue mat line-up and choose one that works the best for you. All our mat are gorgeous like the Easter Eggs above and really functional as well.

Not just for Easter use of course.. with these mats you can say goodbye to aches and pains from hours of working and standing. Our anti-fatigue mats are specifically designed for your health and wellness and your feet, knees, and hips will thank you after experiencing the cushioned comfort and support they will provide you. And if you are thinking, it may be too late for Easter this year.. no worries. Keep the antifatigue mats in mind for next year!

May your Easter Egg decorating be comfortable and joyful! Happy Easter everyone!